Moreover, an e-book doesn't have the "magic" of the good old book : you can't wander in the alleys of a library, finding "magically" (and with a little bit of luck) exactly what you needed from the beginning !
With an e-book you have to know exactly what you want to read from the beginning, no time for chance ! You cannot be struck by a stunning title or an original cover just as if you were looking along the stairs of a bookcase....
So, in the end, what would I choose ?
Well, even if i'm not feeling exactly comfortable with reading on a screen, I would definitely at least TRY an e-book.
I would go for an e-book that is thin, light, and very easy to carry. I would also choose a model that is discreet : I on't want to show off with it.
And because I'm a bit slow for everything that concerns technologies, I would go for a model that is simple to use, very instinctive. Thanks to websites such as Wired, we can be helped in our search of the e-book that suits us the most.
Since I will be using my e-book just as a test, I would go for the cheapest and trendiest model like the $250 upstart Cool-er e-book reader.
However, I think that thanks to this "magic" that the book has, I would also stick to my beloved books whose corned pages are full of memories.
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